Knockdown Center is proud to present a psychotronic screening residency by the Druid Underground Film Festival (DUFF) every Sunday in August and September. Having exhibited across 13 states, DUFF is the widest touring underground film festival in North America. Hosted by festival founder Billy Burgess, the Weirdo Cinema A-Go-Go series represents an array of colorful new programming as well as the best of the last ten years of DUFF. Find out why Flavorpill says DUFF doesn’t so much “defy convention as mow it down, douse it in kerosene, and flick a Zippo at it.”
During and after the screenings the Knockdown Center’s Ready Room Bar will be hosted by DJ Drew Redmond and his special guests DJ Eli Paperboy Reed, DJ Shimmy & DJ Wig Doc as they spin 1950s and ‘60s rockabilly, rhythm and blues, soul, exotica, whacked out instrumentals, novelty records and more! ALL on vintage 45 records!
The story of a mid-80’s to early-90’s American media sensation: the rise of Satanism, ritual murder, and teenagers brainwashed by heavy metal music. This lively program of frightening and humorous Christian scare films and occult law enforcement procedure videos is compiled by Billy Burgess, with a video introduction by Blanche Barton, Former High Priestess of the Church of Satan.
Found Footage Assault
See aliens rip their own faces off, learn how to detect if your child worships Satan, perform a home exorcism and much, much more! A high-powered blast of low-brow Americana, Found Footage Assault dynamically mixes the trashiest cuts from amateur monster movies, insane Christian scare films and shocking instruction videos lovingly sourced from the decrepit VHS vaults of DUFF curator Billy Burgess.
The Whore Church Video Mixtape Vol 1
The members of this VHS mixtape collective live communally in a decrepit Victorian house just outside of Boston. Every weekend they digitize the most absurd scenes from their giant VHS collection and remix into the wee hours of the morning. See what America looks like on a steady diet of adult cinema, death metal and 80’s horror films mashed up in a giant hellish cauldron of fun. PLUS: Special Secret Footage from the Whore Church vaults!
Anti-Marijuana Propaganda Roadshow
Shown in high school classrooms and rehab centers across America, host Billy Burgess guides you through a jam-packed program of vintage 1950’s and 60’s drug-scare films produced by such leading masters of the genre such as the US Government and Sonny Bono. Bizarre, hilarious, enlightening and 100% real. Transferred from original 16mm film.
Aphrodisiac! The Sexual Secret of Marijuana (1971)
Part pro-marijuana documentary, part erotic grindhouse sleazefest, Aphrodisiac is one of the most unique mondo documentaries in the history of the genre, combining earnest documentation of marijuana’s benefits while sporadically lingering lustily on the sexual practices of those who get down with the sticky green. Truly a one in a million experience in cinema!
Blood Feast (1963)
Although Blood Feast is a film about an eccentric catering company that collects body parts for a cannibalistic ritual, the manner in which the film conducts itself is totally unique. John Waters sites Herchell Gordon Lewis as one of his main influences (alongside names like Kenneth Anger, Bergman and Fellini) and it’s easy to see why. Cartoonishly evil plots, over-the-top character actors in theatrical make-up, tacky costumes and creatively executed scenes of show-stopping violence make Blood Feast an outer-worldly viewing experience.
Carnival of Blood (1970)
Join us on a spooky ride through old Coney Island as a twisted maniac stalks and slashes through the carny-infested midway. Starring a hunchback named Gimpy (Burt Young who played Paulie in the Rocky movies). This one’s real weird.
“A shot of stool-loosening awesome, like a colon cleanser for your brain.” – Leo Weekly of Louisville, KY
“Velvety surrealism… appallingly funny” – LA City Beat
“Packs a lot of weird shit into two hours of screenings” – LA Weekly