Knockdown Center hosts Philip von Zweck’s project Temporary Allegiance, an ongoing open call for artist-made flags to be featured temporarily on our prominent 40 foot flagpole at the building’s entrance.
The project originated in Chicago as a platform for the freedom of expression on a public college campus. Although typically a stable institutional fixture, this flagpole offers anyone the opportunity for monumental visibility for a limited time only.
A flag can bear national or military emblems, mascots, warning signals, or propaganda, among others. In many countries desecration of the national flag is a punishable crime. Patriotic love or rage, fandom, competition, festivity, spirituality, mourning—these are some of the array of reactions a flag can engender. The term “temporary allegiance” legally refers to the duty of a non-citizen to obey all laws so long as he remains in that country. Implied is the notion of flux, that loyalty and identity can be reconsidered as the flag is hoisted and lowered.
Philip von Zweck would like to thank Gallery 400 at the University of Illinois Chicago for previously hosting this project.
Submission information:
– Each flag will fly for ~2 weeks
– Unconventional shapes, sizes, and materials are acceptable so long as safety considerations are met (weight, fastening, and wind durability)
– Maximum flag size is 8 by 12 feet
– Flags should be attachable at a minimum of 2 points, 3 feet apart
– A sign within the building’s lobby will include information about the artist and flag design.
– Flag drop off times: Thursdays and Fridays 2pm – 6pm, Saturdays and Sundays 2pm – 7pm