Antwan Duncan presents!
Also in the Ready Room: Fresh Daily & Friends’ Sweat Haus Halloween turn-up!
Free shuttle to and from the L train, check knockdown.info for updates

Come make sun-prints on fabric with the artist Liz Nielsen. This workshop will include hands-on experimentation with the archaic photographic mark-making process called the Photogram. It is easy and non-toxic.
Liz is a photographer whose own works are printed in the analog color darkroom with handmade negatives and found light sources. Meeting together at high noon, Liz will guide you through a process of making colorful works using the sun as a natural superpower!
Bring your ideas and an open mind. Come with a plan, or don’t, and we will make one.
Space for 15 people
All Ages. (Kids under 8 must be accompanied by a non-participating adult)

Join Carolina Wheat for an intuitive and experimental workshop exploring historical Tie-dye techniques. You will explore the ancient manual resist–bind, fold and pleat technique of Japanese Shibori with classic indigo dyes.
Carolina studied textile surface design at the University of Michigan and got her MFA in Writing from SAIC. Having traveled extensively in Japan and Indonesia, Carolina brings to this workshop a broad history of textiles, including the narratives, symbolism and processes used in the Pan-Asiatic islands.
This workshop will guide you through a hands-on process from start to finish and you’ll walk away with a functional article of patterned surface design.
$35 per person (price includes TWO! scarves to dye)
All Ages (Kids under 8 must be accompanied by a non-participating adult)
Space limited to 15 people

Africa ($$)
“My crown too heavy like the Qween Nefertiti!”
Sell it up close and personal with a natural beat inspired by an African Qween.Runway:
Europe ($$$)
“Qween of London, Qween of France, Qween of Spain, You’ll go insane!”
Bring it to the runway with the poise and presence of a Qween. Represent your country of choice with a European effect.Hands:
Asia ($$)
To be Asian Royalty it takes deep concentration, and mental penetration like hand performance. Show us how royal you are through your hand performance!Performance:
America ($$$)
The America’s have never had a true monarchy. Our royalty reigns over music & pop culture.
Give the judges a performance they’ll never forget and collect your crown.
Female Figures bring it like one of the Qweens of Rap, Pop, or Soul.
Males figure choose to bring it like the Kings of Rap, Pop, or Rock.
OTA Realness:
Bring it as you like!