FLIP THESE HOUSES is a concert celebrating Protest Songs, Political Music, and Unity through Song. Net proceeds will benefit Power To The Polls (powered by Women’s March) and select grassroots groups who are helping to win the Congress back from Republican leadership.
President Donald Trump, the Trump administration, and “Trump-ism” as defined by the Presidents words, tweets, and policies, is an existential threat to the nation and to Western democracy as a whole. This concert is a call to all citizens to vote for the opposition party in the November 2018 elections. (Democrats and Independents who caucus with Democrats), and to raise awareness and funds to help win our country back from those who will let it’s legacy be destroyed.
The program will be a revival show of sorts celebrating music with a social conscience. Confirmed performers include
Craig Finn (The Hold Steady)
Ryan Miller (Guster)
Michael Shannon (actor/musician)
Lenny Kaye (Patti Smith Group)
Hamilton Leithauser (ex-Walkmen)
Sam Cohen, Charles Bissell (The Wrens)
Mick Collins (Dirtbombs/Gories)
Jason Narducy (Split Single, Bob Mould Band),
Sammy James Jr (Kinky Boots/The Mooney Suzuki)
Syd Straw
Richie Birkenhead (Into Another/Youth Of Today)
Britt Daniel (Spoon)
Caithlin DeMarrais (Rainer Maria)
Richard Baluyut (Versus/Flower)
Anders Parker (Varnaline)
Eric Davidson (New Bomb Turks)
Steve Myers(Afghan Whigs/Mighty Fine)
Tom Clark (2A Treehouse)
Mike Fornatale (Left Banke/The Monks)
Renee LoBue
Lenny Zenith
Graham Norwood + more!!